Many people still doubt the function of meta tags to improve the SERP and SEO. They say that this is no longer valid at such a time.
However, in this case, we must return to basic principles of HTML, meta tags etc are part of an HTML page, therefore, be worthwhile to complete it perfectly.
Behind all the debate about the meta tags that I read, one thing that might still be reasonable, and feasible for us to consider is the installation of dynamic meta tag to our blog page.
Why?, Static meta tags cause all the posts in your blog being the same. and this of course will make it difficult, not only for machines but also people who do a search on google.
Small test I did, producing an interesting fact. meta tags dynamically capable of lifting a SERP from page 10 to page 1.
Here's how to install the meta tags dynamically on your own blogspot page:
Open Your Blogspot Dashbord -> Design -> Edit HTML.
Find the <html> tag, insert this code below the <html> tag:
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "index"'>
<meta content='yourblogMaindescription' name='description'/>
<meta content='yourblogMainkeywords,yourblogMainkeywords2,yourblogMainkeywords3' name='keywords'/>
<title><data:blog.pageName/> ~ <data:blog.title/></title>
<meta expr:content='data:blog.pageName + " by " + data:blog.title' name='Description'/>
<meta expr:content='data:blog.pageName + ", " + data:blog.title' name='Keywords'/>
<meta content='INDEX, FOLLOW' name='ROBOTS'/>
<meta content='your name' name='author'/>
Replace the words that colored red with your own words.
Save it, and you're done
Try doing a search on google. Did you see the difference?
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